June 15, 2014

MG-plot-photo-(3)We just received a shipment of 125 new granite markers for the Memorial Garden.  These new markers will complete the entire east side of the garden which encompasses sections 1-12 and 30.  For those who have visited the garden and seen the sections with new markers you must agree that it really looks fantastic.  We will continue replacing old markers through the summer and anticipate completion of all sections by fall at the latest.  This has been a lengthy and costly venture, however, the finished product is beyond what we had envisioned.  If you would like the old marker of your loved one, please contact Richard Neville (239.566.8740 ext. 3917) to arrange a time to stop by.  We will hold the old markers for a period of no longer than two months following the replacement date.  Thanks for your patience while we transform the Memorial Garden into a truly beautiful and spiritual final resting place.

I would like to recognize Jean-Paul Boucher (JP) for his work in preparing for and hosting an amazing Vacation Bible School for the children of our parish.  As you know, JP has only been with us since the beginning of the year.  In that time, he has accomplished great things for our parish, not only with youth ministry but with Information Technology and a plethora of other programs in the implementation stage.  He has worked tirelessly (literally) in preparation for VBS and the fruits of his labor are evident.  JP has brilliantly coordinated over 135 volunteers and created a very functional program.  Thanks JP for your hard work and dedication.  It definitely does not go unnoticed.

On behalf of JP and the parish of Saint John the Evangelist, I would like to recognize all of the volunteers who gave of their time and talent to assist with our “Wilderness Escape” Vacation Bible School.  This is my favorite week of the year watching the countless young families participate in a faith filled event.  Remember that these families are the future of our parish.  In years past, I tried to recognize many volunteers by name, however, there are so many this year that my entire column would be a list of names.  With that said, we humbly thank our VBS volunteers for all you do for the parish of Saint John the Evangelist.

I have been employed at Saint John the Evangelist for over 17 years and have seen many associate pastors come and go.  As a matter of fact, after compiling a list, I can account for at least sixteen retired and active associates during my tenure.  The current team in place under the leadership of Fr. John is arguably the best that we have ever had.  The “Dream Team” of Fr. John, Fr. Len, Fr. Jim and Fr. Rourke is an amazing compilation of clergy who have revitalized this parish in my humble opinion.  These selfless men offer very different styles with regards to the delivery of their homilies, however, each one conveys a message of spirituality and love.  I know many of you secretly have your favorite priest, but regardless of who is celebrating the Mass you choose to attend, all will leave feeling blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Thanks to Fr. John, Fr. Len, Fr. Jim and Fr. Rourke for making Saint John the Evangelist the best parish around!

In addition to my comments regarding the current clergy in place, I would like to recognize the lay staff as well.  Over the past five years, there have been more than a few changes with the parish staff.  I am aware that many in our parish community are not big fans of change but ultimately, Fr. John has compiled a group of staff members who are very well educated, extremely qualified and dedicated to their positions within the parish.  From Faith Formation to Information Technology to Music and Liturgy, this relatively young group is willing to do what it takes to take Saint John the Evangelist to the next level.  I am extremely proud to be a part of this staff and look forward to seeing what the future holds for what has become a very dynamic parish.  On behalf of the staff, I would like to wholeheartedly thank our parishioners for being “open” to the many positive changes taking place.

Before closing, I would be remiss by not mentioning that we also have an amazing group of Deacons within our parish.  Deacon Rob, Deacon Hal, Deacon Forrest and Deacon Frank are a great compliment at Mass and are also willing to help out in any way.  From performing a hospital visit to celebrating a baptism, these guys are always there to serve the parish!

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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