February 19, 2012

Please welcome Barbara Kuryea (Finance Council Member) as she discusses the many different variables of the Catholic Faith Appeal at all Masses this weekend.  We ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge for the 2012 annual appeal.  Thank you for your consideration.

The Buildings and Grounds Committee has worked tirelessly to beautify our campus for “season.”  With the exception of a few cool snaps, mother nature has been very kind allowing our beautiful landscaping and annuals (especially the impatiens) to flourish all around the campus.  Unfortunately, a bizarre “Downy Mildew” has developed and is now wiping out all the impatiens in Collier County and beyond.  There is nothing on the market that will eradicate this mildew.  Our impatiens on campus have been infected and in a matter of weeks, they will all be defoliated.  We are currently in the process of trying to replace the impatiens with another annual that is immune to the mildew.  I felt it necessary to inform all of you that this is not the result of neglect but rather a factor of mother nature and the circle of life.  Please bear with us as we replace the infected impatiens.

Last week I alluded to the fact that we are going to host a reverse raffle on March 31.  I also promised to include details of the reverse raffle in my column this week.  Below are the details.

By now, you are all aware of my passion for the Catholic Faith Appeal.  Not only do your contributions towards the CFA support countless ministries within the Diocese of Venice, they also satisfy a very important component of our annual budget.  We are constantly trying to come up with new and innovative ideas to assist us in reaching our annual goal.  We are going to host a Reverse Raffle as a fundraiser for the Catholic Faith Appeal.  For those who remember, we hosted just such an event in 2010 and raised $12,000 for the CFA.

Here is a brief explanation of how the raffle works: “What is a Reverse Raffle?”  It is exactly what the name implies.  Rather than the first ticket drawn winning the raffle, the last ticket drawn in a Reverse Raffle is the big winner.  In this particular instance, we will be selling 300 tickets for the raffle at a cost of $100 each.  The winning ticket (or the last one drawn) will win $10,000.00.  This is a great return on a $100 investment.  In addition, your $100 ticket also gains you (and a guest) admission to the party where you will enjoy dinner, entertainment and an open bar.  In order to keep everyone’s interest throughout the evening, we will also offer cash prizes randomly as the raffle progresses.  The first ticket drawn will win $100 as will every 25th ticket drawn for the remainder of the raffle.  So in other words, 12 lucky attendees will get their money back and enjoy a great evening of entertainment at no cost.  In addition, Tom Oram will be performing before the raffle begins and then playing 30 minute sets after the drawing of every 100 numbers.  You need not be present to win, so if you are headed back to your northern residence and unable to attend, you are encouraged to purchase a ticket with the comfort of knowing that we will either send you a check for your winnings or keep your winnings in safekeeping until you return in the fall.

If you have never attended a reverse raffle, let me assure you that it is a lot of fun.  When the drawing is down to the final ten ticket holders, there is a great deal of excitement in the air creating an “electric” atmosphere.  I have hosted several of these events in the past several years and on many occasions, there are multiple winners as the final three to five ticket holders have opted to split the $10,000.00 grand prize.  In 2010, the final four ticket holders split the $10,000.00 prize and took home $2,500.00 each.  So allow me to recap…..For $100, you will receive admission for two, a catered meal by Cappelli’s, an open bar and entertainment by Tom Oram, as well as the chance to win $10,000.00.  I can think of no better deal locally for a cost of $50 per person.  The Reverse Raffle will take place on Saturday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center.  Tickets will be available beginning Monday in the parish office.  This is a great opportunity for all of us to support the Catholic Faith Appeal while enjoying great entertainment and great camaraderie.  We must sell all 300 tickets in order for the event to take place.

We have sold two benches thus far in our new bench campaign.  If you are interested in purchasing a granite bench to honor or memorialize a loved one, please contact me at 566.1678 to discuss your options.  The cost is $3,000.00 and if needed, I will work with you on payment terms.  There are two remaining in the memorial garden, one in the prayer garden and several in the courtyard adjacent to the prayer garden.

Several parishioners have responded to my request for help with the sandwich program for the Immokalee Friendship House.  After further discussion with representatives from the program, the immediate need is for a driver (or drivers) on Tuesdays to actually deliver the sandwiches to Immokalee.  If you are interested, please contact Barb Mambuca at [email protected].  Thank you for your interest in this fantastic program which benefits those most in need.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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