Members of the Arts & Liturgical Environment Committee have been selecting fixtures for the lighting project to take place in the church. Although the fixtures have already been chosen for the ceiling and above the altar, we are also installing tasteful chandeliers in the back wings of the church as well as the narthex. Once the final selections are made, I will publish pictures in the bulletin.
Work continues in the restrooms in the Parish Life Center ballroom. The stone work (floors, walls and decorative border) has been completed in the men’s room and has begun in the ladies’ room. The granite countertops have also been installed. Our extremely talented maintenance crew was able to recycle the partitions. They have sanded, primed and repainted to partitions with a shade of brown that matches the travertine perfectly.While we complete the men’s room, guests in the PLC ballroom may use the bathroom in the classroom hallway. Thanks for your understanding and patience while we complete this much needed renovation.
The completed sample of our new granite headstones for the Memorial Garden has arrived and was installed this past week. We will now begin replacing all of the markers one section at a time and all future orders will be fabricated in this beautiful engraved granite. If you would like to see the new headstone installed, please visit the garden and look in the section immediately to the west of the fountain.
Thank you to all of our parishioners for your strong showing during the two weeks of “Undy Sunday.” The bags were overflowing by the end of the weekend, and, as a result, many deserving children in Collier County will have appropriate undergarments as they head back to school this week. Donations at St. John the Evangelist are up over last year. Donations are still being accepted if you were unable to take part in the official “Undy Sundays.”
The Visiting Nurses Association will once again offer Flu and Pneumonia shots right here at St. John the Evangelist on Thursday, October 4 and Thursday, November 8 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center. The seasonal Flu shot is $25 and the Pneumonia shot is $65. Both shots are covered by Medicare Part B.In addition to the regular Flu Shot and Pneumonia, they will also be offering preservative free and high dose Flu Shots as well as Pneumonia, Tetanus Booster and Pertussis.Did you know that the proceeds from the Visiting Nurses Association will be used to provide Flu, Tetanus and Pneumonia shots to Immokalee Farmworkers free of charge?
Over the past nine years, I have explained in detail from the altar and in writing the importance of the Catholic Faith Appeal and the financial implications of reaching and exceeding our goal. However, I will once again lay it out in detail. As you know, the CFA is the single most important component of our annual budget. This year’s assessment/goal is $443,000.00. How is this number derived? We are assessed at a rate of 26% on all receipts which the Diocese of Venice deems to be assessable income. This includes regular offertory, rental income and special gifts and donations. Jamaica Outreach, Habitat for Humanity and all Diocesan Collections (Catholic University, Peters Pence, etc…) are non-assessable. We then receive a credit (30%) for all donations made for tuition subsidies and gifts to other parishes. The net of the assessable receipts and credits results in our annual assessment, which is based on the prior fiscal year. Beginning in February with kickoff Sunday, we have approximately 11 months to raise the funds to meet our goal. Everyone receives a mailer from the Diocese and has the option of making an annual pledge. We strongly encourage all parishioners to make a pledge. Many choose to forego this option and make donations to the CFA through the offertory during the course of the year. These checks are then sent directly to the Diocese of Venice. The funds allocated for the CFA are non-assessable and every penny of every dollar donated will be used to offset our assessment. Your contributions to the CFA are not recognized by the parish, and, therefore, you will not see your gifts on the annual statement from St. John the Evangelist. You will receive an acknowledgement from the Diocese of Venice at year’s end detailing your contributions to the CFA if you gave in excess of $250.00 during the calendar year. If not, you will need to retain your cancelled checks or copies for tax purposes. If we exceed our $443,000.00 goal by the first week of January 2013, the excess will be returned to the parish free of assessment to be used for whatever programs or ministries we choose. This could be a huge windfall for the parish as we could use these funds to create reserves to replace the aging Parish Life Center air conditioning units or to purchase materials for Faith Formation, Music, etc… Conversely, if we fall short of our goal, which we did last year, we must use funds out of our general operating income to pay the shortfall. Our budget for 2012/2013 is based on meeting our CFA goal, therefore, if we fall short, this could certainly be a “budget buster.” I hope this lengthy explanation has cleared up any questions you may have about the mechanics of the Catholic Faith Appeal. It is imperative that we reach our goal and with your help, I am confident that we can do so. If you are able, please consider making a pledge or contribution to the Catholic Faith Appeal. Please make your check payable to the CFA with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line.
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager