Week of May 4, 2014

We are now in the final phase of “season” here in Southwest Florida.  April 30 marked what I commonly refer to as the second exodus.  The final exodus will take place on May 31.  Many of our seasonal residents and visitors have three month contracts on their rentals and stay only the months of January, February and March.  Others extend their stay to the end of April, while some stay all the way through the end of May and beyond.  Last week I took an unexpected trip to Tampa and can assure you that as a licensed Florida driver heading Northbound, I was in the minority.  I-75 North was loaded with plates from every other state as well as a plethora of campers and car carriers.  To those who have returned to their summer homes or who will be leaving at the end of the month, we wish you safe travels and hope to see you again in the fall.

Have you registered for the “Wilderness Escape” themed Vacation Bible School?  It seems a bit premature, however, with history as our guide, it is a guarantee that we will sell out yet again this year.  So rather than procrastinating, please sign up now.  This will be the first year with JP hosting VBS and it looks to be one of the best.  Online registration will be available soon.

Fr. John is working with a group of parishioners to introduce a new ministry intended to feed the homeless in our community.  An integral component of this ministry is a vehicle which is capable of transporting food and volunteers.  A very generous parishioner approached Fr. John last month and offered to cover the cost of this vehicle.  Please see upcoming bulletins for information on this new ministry and how you will be able to help.

I was walking a family through the Memorial Garden this past week and they were marveling at the beauty of what has become a truly gorgeous final resting place for our parishioners and their immediate family members.  The landscaping has really taken hold and there are blooming flowers everywhere.  From roses to hibiscus to geraniums to bougainvillea, there is a plethora of flowering varieties from which to choose for placement on the marker of your loved one.  The word is definitely out in the community as I turn away no less than three families per week who call about purchasing a plot.  As mentioned above, you must be a parishioner or the immediate family of a parishioner to be interred in our garden.  If you are interested in taking advantage of a great opportunity, please contact me at 566.1678 to set up an appointment.  The all-inclusive price to purchase a plot is only $1,500.00 which is a mere fraction of what you would pay at a cemetery.  Our Garden is in perpetuity and is consecrated ground which satisfies your canonical obligation.

We have blown through the 50% mark with regards to the 2014 Catholic Faith Appeal.  We are currently at 53% of our goal of $485,000.00 with eight months remaining in the appeal.  We have worked very hard over the last several years to become financially solvent and your support of the CFA has been a very large reason for our success.  By meeting our annual CFA goal, we can concentrate on building the programs and ministries within the parish.  If we fall short of our goal, funds must be directed from our operating revenue in order to make up the deficit.  If you are a seasonal resident or visitor, may I suggest that you make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with Saint John the Evangelist in the memo line?  For our full time parishioners, if you have yet to do so, you may make an annual pledge to the CFA.  Pledge cards are available in the Narthex if you choose this option.  Furthermore, at the bottom of this column I have included a link to the pledge card if you would like to print it out and use it.  You may also make a credit card donation to the CFA by visiting the Diocese of Venice website at www.dioceseofvenice.org.  Choose the donations tab and then choose “donate now.”  Thank you in advance for your extreme generosity by allowing us to reach our goal for the 2014 Catholic Faith Appeal.

There will be no Scott’s Corner next week as I will be out of town celebrating the end of a very busy season at Saint John the Evangelist.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg,
MBA, General Manager

2014 CFA pledge card


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