Scott’s Corner

On behalf of the clergy and staff of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and for those who are traveling over the holidays, a Happy New Year.  Did you know that this coming Monday will mark the 20th anniversary of the first Mass celebrated in our church?  On December 24, 1992, the first Mass was celebrated in (the newly constructed) St. John the Evangelist church.  For those who remember, that first Mass nearly never happened due to problems with Collier County in obtaining our certificate of occupancy.  Thanks to the diligence of a few well connected parishioners, everything came together at the 11th hour – literally. We are thrilled to have you here with us this Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Ladies of Charity Bike Drive officially ended this past Sunday.  After nearly a month of solicitation, our parishioners really came through, donating 216 bicycles.  Many of these bicycles were purchased through your cash donations which totabike driveled $10,045.00.  After rethinking the security issue, the ladies of charity used a portion of the cash donations to purchase locks for every single bike sent to Immokalee.  We hope to have the Naples Daily News publish an article next week recognizing the amazing work of the Ladies of Charity.  Thank you once again to all of our parishioners for making Christmas in Immokalee this year very special for 216 deserving individuals.

Thank you to everyone that gave so generously this Christmas season.  Whether it was a gift to the CFA, a donation to Jamaica, a gift to the Bike Drive or a contribution to the regular offertory, you defined the essence of Christmas.  I am continually amazed every year at this time by the outpouring of generosity shown by our parishioners.  It is truly remarkable what you do for others while ensuring that St. John is provided for.  I am not a “cradle catholic” like many of you, however, I have visited my share of catholic churches, especially during the design stages of St. Agnes.  As I have said many times before, there are countless parishes out there that could learn a thing or two by visiting St. John the Evangelist and simply observing.  There just seems to be a spirit that exists here at St. John that does not exist at any other parish I have visited.  Obviously, the Holy Spirit is present at Mass; however, there is something more that exists within the friendly confines of St. John.

Lighting Update:

As you saw this past weekend, the lighting truss has now been installed.  We have decided to add a few more fixtures to the truss to create the proper lighting.  After the penance Mass this past Tuesday, we will have met to test out the lighting and receive a brief tutorial on its operation.  This means that barring any further obstacles, the new lighting should be operational for this weekend’s Masses and for Christmas.  Thank you again for your patience while we tweak the finished product.

Save the Date:

We are preparing for the Parish Picnic/Ministry Fair to be held on March 10 from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the PLC ballroom and outside in back of the Claussen Center.  This will not be your typical parish event.  We will have a plethora of activities for the children and strongly encourage our families to attend.  There will be bounce houses, a dunk tank (with the opportunity to dunk me) numerous games, crafts and more.  In addition, this will be your opportunity to visit with representatives from our parish ministries in the hope that you will find one that fits your talents.  The Men’s Club will provide the food and drinks.  The best part of it all is that there is no charge to attend.  Please see the bulletin for further details after the first of the year.

As of this past Monday, we are only $16,847.00 short of our goal with one week to go.  Remember that the CFA is the single most important component of our annual operating budget.  As a reminder to our seasonal residents and visitors, please make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line.  You may also make electronic contributions by visiting the Diocese of Venice website at  In addition, you may also make contributions of stock by contacting Deborah Shafer in the Diocese of Venice development office at 941.484.9543.  Thank you for your continued support of the Catholic Faith Appeal.

Time is running out!  For those who may have missed my recent comments, the price for space in the Memorial Garden will increase on January 1.  The current price of $1,200.00 will increase to $1,500.00.  If you would like to secure pricing before the increase, please contact me at 566-1678 before the end of the year.  If I receive your call prior to January 1, your pricing will be locked in at the rate of $1,200.00 even if we don’t finalize the agreement until after the New Year.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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