The Paniccia Prayer Garden is officially sold out. All 14 Stations of the Cross, six benches, St. Francis of Assisi statue, St. Francis of Assisi mosaic and wall fountain have been committed to by very generous parishioners. Believe it or not, we actually have a waiting list for Stations in case someone is unable to fulfill their obligation. In addition, only two of ten benches remain in the memorial garden, and the fountain for the memorial garden has also been purchased. All four benches remain in front of the church for those who may be interested. The cost for a bench is $3,000.00. I would like to say that I am amazed at the outpouring of support for the prayer garden and wish to thank those who stepped forward to purchase the items offered to honor or memorialize their loved ones.
The new fountain in the Memorial Garden was to be installed this past week and operational by the weekend. Due to an extremely early bulletin deadline, I am optimistic that you will be able to see it as you arrive for Easter Masses. Please accept my apologies if it is not installed. This fountain will make a dramatic setting in our Memorial Garden located immediately opposite the Holy Family. Thank you to Jack and Madeline Gaffey for their generous donation to make this beautiful fountain a reality.
Several months ago I wrote about our St. John the Evangelist Boy Scout Troop 168. The troop is not only looking for new members but also for new leadership. This is a small but very active troop whose members may be seen hosting a pancake breakfast in the PLC or assisting the Knights of Columbus with Lenten Fish Bakes. A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Boy Scouts try to incorporate this oath into every aspect of their lives. These are traits that I would imagine all parents would like to see in their sons. We are looking for Catholic leadership for this Troop as there is a strong faith component that is incorporated through the Diocese of Venice. There are countless Catholic badges available to earn through the church. If you would like to have your son join this troop or if you, as a Father, would like to take a leadership role, I urge you to contact Jim Cullen (Scout Master) at 269.1049 or Eric Flesher (Committee Chair) at 248.8055 to explore the possibilities. Please see the flyer in the bulletin for further information as well as pictures of some of the great events in which these young men participate.
Do you have a used copier that you would be willing to donate to the Faith Formation Department at St. John the Evangelist? The only copier currently at the disposal of the Faith Formation staff is located in the lobby of the PLC. By having a copier in the Claussen Center, greater efficiencies may be obtained. This new/used copier would also be used by the Music Department and Youth Ministry Department as they are both located in the Claussen Center. If you are able to help, please contact me at 566.1678. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee has been hard at work planning for numerous improvements to take place on campus over the summer. As I mentioned last week, we will be re-striping the parking lot in late spring. In addition, they are currently accepting bids to replace the poor bollard lighting with pole lighting in the parking lot north of the Claussen Center. Bids are also being accepted to revamp the lighting on the interior of the church. A new landscaper has been retained to take over maintenance for the site beginning in early May. Please look for many new changes to the grounds over the summer. Plans are also underway to totally overhaul the kitchen in the PLC by replacing the faulty lighting, resealing the floor and making numerous other enhancements. The work in the kitchen will take place in late June. The Buildings and Grounds Committee has been a great help to me in ensuring that the campus is in great shape.
Do you enjoy the new statues of Mary and St. John the Evangelist? Are you mesmerized looking at the beautiful crucifix while sitting in Mass? You can now have all three of these beautiful pieces in miniature form (11” x 5” x 5”) for your home or office. Our sculptor, Timothy Schmalz, is creating miniature replicas of all three pieces, which we will offer for sale at $35 each. There are very limited quantities (200) of each piece. If you would like to pre-order yours, please contact Natalie at [email protected]. We are expecting delivery in mid to late September.
Thank you so much for supporting St. John the Evangelist.