Diocese Provides Additional Directives
The Clergy and Staff of Saint John the Evangelist pray for each and every one of our Parish Family and Friends during this difficult time. This Public Health challenge is impacting us all. We have received additional directives from the Diocese on how we are to proceed as a Parish Family during the suspension of Masses that we want to share with you: Visiting the Church CampusThe Church building will be closed for visitation effective immediately. The Adoration Chapel will remain open and available for those who have received their access fobs. The Front Office of the Church, located in the Parish Activity Center, will remain open for normal hours, Monday – Friday, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The Life Center will be open for individual access for members who have received their fobs, but closed for public access. Sacraments
- Requests for individual Confession will need to be made through the office or the after-hours on-call Priest. These requests should be for urgent matters requiring Reconciliation. An appointment will be made for an outdoor, social distanced location on campus, like our Prayer Garden, for the continued safety of our priests and our Parish Family.
- Regularly scheduled Reconciliation Times have been suspended until further notice.
- Baptisms will only be provided for emergency situations.
- Anointing of the Sick will be provided only to those who are dying.
- Funerals will be provided, but must conform to the guidance of the CDC and others, recommending no more than 10 people in attendance.
- Holy Week will be streamed, to include the Easter Vigil.