Lord, teach me to be generous;
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil, and not to seek for rest;
To labor, and not to ask for reward –
except to know that I am doing your will.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
The response to Father Tom’s heartfelt call to Finish the Church just two weekends ago has been remarkable. Many of our Finance Council and Buildings and Grounds Council members joined our staff in providing the essential details behind our Finish the Church campaign as well, and I wanted to take a moment to thank them for their tireless efforts on behalf of our Parish Family. These dedicated individuals have been developing and executing the construction as well as working through the financial challenges for years now. We all owe them our gratitude for the amazing job we see every time we walk into the church or visit any other part of our campus.
There is plenty of appreciation to dole out, however. You, our wonderful Parish Family, have answered Father’s request to help us Finish the Church with an outpouring of support. Our Second Collection for the first weekend of February included gifts of $174,979.82! That is the true definition of awesome! Additionally, this past weekend included additional gifts totaling $95,996.72. All told, these gifts now bring our loan balance down to $1,229,023.46. Thank you all for your generosity!

As part of the giving over the past weeks, we have updated our list of available Memorial Opportunities. As you can see, the list is shrinking, so if you feel called to support our church’s completion with one of the last naming choices, please contact Father Tom or Jean-Paul Boucher, the Business Manager.