Thanking Father Len for His Years of Service

Father LenIt is our sad responsibility to inform our Parish Family that Father Len has been requested by the Bishop to transfer to another parish in our Diocese.

I will always remember the first time I got a chance to meet Father Len.  My son was altar serving for the very first time by himself and he was so nervous about being able to hold the water pitcher, bowl, and cloth so the priest could wash his hands.  We were standing in the back of the church, talking about it, when Father Len approached us.  He must have seen the look on Jack’s face, so he kindly asked him to join him up on the altar.  Father Len proceeded to walk him through the steps, showing him the best way to assist the priest and even more importantly, giving Jack the support and encouragement we have all seen from Father Len time and again.  Jack was beaming while serving that Mass, and he (and I) will never forget his warm smile and inspiration.

It is always a sad occasion when a priest is called to move from one parish to another, and I know all the members of the Saint John Parish Family, experienced and young, will greatly miss him.  His new parish is very lucky to have him.  Please see the below letter from Father John, which will be read before each Mass this weekend:

Letter from Father John

We will be celebrating Father Len’s service to our church on July 12th, from 12 Noon to 3 PM, in the Ballroom.  We hope you can attend to wish Father Len all the blessings and well-wishes for his future.

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