Testimonial: Support for All Parishioners

Personal notes are sent to Father John and me all the time, discussing the current and future plans of our Parish Family.  This one specifically illustrates the focus of our Capital Campaign:

Dear JP & Mr Lichwalla,

Having attended one of the “awareness” meetings to learn more about the campaign for the new Life Center, I am excited to help as a volunteer.

My mother had a home built in Naples Park in 1985 and we attended Mass at St William’s Catholic Church when staying in the area. The property where St John the Evangelist now stands was just a vast empty piece of land, covered with trees and brush. My brother and I would scurry along the walking path, watching for snakes as we ventured toward the tennis courts adjacent to the elementary school. Naples Park Elementary School became a place or worship for 4 years, starting in 1988 when the “mission church” was announced, through 1990 when the campaign funds were in place to commence groundbreaking and concluded when the structure was completed in 1992.

It’s been truly amazing to witness firsthand the development of that acreage over the years! Remembering at one time and not long ago, how it was just a piece of barren land which never would have been developed if it wasn’t for the vision of a few and support of many! For me personally, this campus has been both a place of worship or refuge, depending on my own life circumstances over the years. Both the Claussen and Parish Centers remain a focal point for the many ministries supported by the church. The Prayer Garden, Memorial Garden and Lest We Forget Memorial are retreats- offering places for peace, reflection and remembrance.

It’ll be very exciting to have a new Life Center for recreational, dining and companionship opportunities that will be “inclusive” for people of ALL ages, regardless of marital or socioeconomic status. Father John, reflecting on words from Pope Francis, reminds us that our life circumstances change, based on decisions by us and others, but the one constant in this world and in our lives is the presence of God’s Love!! I pray the community of St John the Evangelist will see the New Life Center as a beacon of God’s Light and Love. I hope they will embrace this new venue with a spirit of Faith, Hope and Love and support this venture with their time, talent and treasure, just as others did many years ago.

Best Wishes,

Beth Lucci

We need our entire Parish Family to give in order to reach our additional goals.  If you have not returned a pledge card yet, here is one for your use right now.  Please tear out of the bulletin and place in the offertory basket this week or one of the upcoming weeks once you have a chance to prayerfully reflect on your gift to the future of our Parish Family.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

You can also learn more information about the Campaign at: www.sjecc.com/future

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