Summer of Change: Library Renovation to Provide Tangible View of New Saint John Campus

We have begun our design process for the new Life Center!  It is very interesting to me that something that is normally a consideration for the end of the planning process for a facility has to be accomplished so early, but that is required for the approval of our Site Development Plan. It would not make sense to work with designers on just the outside of the new building without planning for the inside as well.  We get more efficiency in our design time and save money for the parish in the long-run.   We have a wonderful group of designers that have helped us develop the various options we have to choose from for both the inside and outside visual appeal of the Life Center.

The interior and exterior designs that we will be deciding upon will assist in enlivening the space of not just the Life Center, but all the buildings of St. John.  As many of you know, the current buildings of the campus were designed and built at different times, from 25 years ago to 13 years ago.  They all have different color schemes.  Different flooring choices.  Different air conditioning systems.  Based on the generosity of you, our Parish Family, we will be working diligently to update the church, the Parish Life Center, and the Claussen Center to provide a consistent “look and feel”.  In order to showcase those changes, and to excite everyone with the new concept for the spaces of St. John, we will be taking the summer to renovate our Library.  The Library room, which ironically has not had a single book in it since I have been here at St. John, will be renamed and receive a makeover that will include new equipment to make it a vibrant multi-purpose room.  It will be developed for events and activities ranging from a 10-person conference to a 60-person reception.  We will use this room for the new CYO High School Group and for the Naples Council of World Affairs Great Decisions meetings.  Stay tuned here for updates and on our website so you can see these wonderful changes take shape.

While the money has been pledged in our Build Our Future, Serve Our Past capital campaign to build our Life Center and some of our other urgent needs, we still need our entire Parish Family to give in order to reach our additional goals, including the detailed execution of the above programs. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

You can also learn more information about the Campaign at:

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