[M]y greetings go directly to you who are connected through the means of communications. In this time of pandemic in which we find ourselves living more or less isolated, we are invited to rediscover and deepen the value of communion that unites all members of the Church. United to Christ we are never alone, but rather, we form one sole Body, with he is the head.
– Pope Francis March 15, 2020
When we envisioned the renewal of our church building, we labored over every single detail. The leadership of our Parish Family desired to develop a church that would support all our needs for at least the next 30 years. In doing so, we went far beyond the simple repair efforts from Hurricane Irma. The technological components may have been seen as aggressive, but, little did we know that some of our plans would need to be put into action nearly immediately in order to serve our now dispersed family.
We have transitioned nearly seamlessly into the ability to provide Daily and Weekend Masses virtually on our website due to your generosity and support for the Finish the Church campaign. During the construction, we installed the highest quality camera and sound systems available. We have 3 fixed cameras that are controlled from our Audio/Visual booth, allowing for full shots of the Sanctuary as well as the close-up views of the priests and their celebrations of Mass. We have trained a set of staff members to operate these cameras for every Mass. The Mass is streamed out to the Internet, and is available on our website, our YouTube Channel, and our Vimeo Channel.

This capability does not only allow us to stream the Masses, but it also provides additional virtual faith enrichment opportunities. For example, you can now experience praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Father Tom, the Rosary with Father Arun Paul, and Adoration with our Encounter on the Mountain with praise and worship music, all from our website. These moments of beautiful encounter are available on-demand, which means you can join in at any time. Please use these prayers in your continued connection to our Parish Family and our Catholic Faith.
God Bless You. Stay Safe and Healthy!