It is a sad time for the Saint John staff and parishioners. After over 6 years of loyal service, the Director of Religious Education, Margie Lynch, has needed to leave Saint John for personal reasons. Personally, I will miss her tremendously. She was a huge supporter of the Family Mission and the efforts to invigorate our programs. She is an amazing individual and her strength of character and warmth will be missed.
We are very blessed that a special individual, Natalie Campbell, has accepted the call to support our Faith Formation program, starting this past Wednesday. She will be able to take Margie’s already existing excellent program and schedule and bring it to conclusion for this year, serving the over 300 students and their families with her wonderful communication and organizational skills. In the meantime, we will begin a search for a new Director of Religious Education.
Please join me in keeping Margie and her family in your prayers.