Saying Goodbye to Bulletin Editor Kathy Sims

One of the first things that stood out to me when my family and I started to attend St. John was the bulletin.  Here was a fully-realized, fleshed-out weekly periodical, not just a page or two bulletin filled with flyers like we were used to.  There was deeply faithful content from Father John, business communications from Scott, and a host of details on events and activities that seemed to go on and on forever.  The breadth and depth of the activities and enrichment attracted us to our Parish Family that we have been blessed to be a part of since that moment.  It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that Kathy Sims, our faithful bulletin editor that has been at the heart of this weekly communication, will be leaving her job this week.  We will all miss working with Kathy.  She knew how to give the right level of detail and pack our pages with content that everyone wanted to know.  She kept us all on track with deadlines and always had a smile for each person who walked in her door to ask for help in reaching our Parish Family with information about their ministry or event.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kathy, for your dedication and devotion to the positive and engaging message of Saint John the Evangelist!

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