It has been some time since we provided some specific details on our financial environment here at Saint John. To be sure, the challenging times we are facing together as a Parish Family have impacted both our attendance and our standard giving. There are so many personal and operational priorities that impact how we are able to continue to achieve our Mission together. We are extremely grateful for every gift we have and continue to receive, especially with our on-line giving, which has increased 5-fold on a weekly basis. We continue to refine our church’s environment to eliminate non-essential activities and cut costs in every way possible. There have been some difficult decisions we have had to make to ensure we are serving the Parish and the Community effectively. Our Mission is paramount: To Know, To Love, and To Serve God in His Church and Our Community.
In order to understand some of our decisions, we wanted to provide the details on the current status of some of our financial responsibilities, namely the Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA)and our Finish the Church loan. While our CFA Goal for 2020 was reduced slightly from 2019’s, we are actually further along this year, with 64% of our $572,000.00 goal already achieved. Our car raffle for the Audi Q3 provided a significant boost, thank you to all who assisted with the raffle. Our Finish the Church loan has been solidified with the Diocese and our insurance credits, leaving us with a balance (as of May 31, 2020) of: $1,119,290.08. Going forward, Saint John will pay $13,000.00 a month towards this loan, ensuring we pay more than just the minimal payment required. This will assist us in finishing the loan earlier than our 10 Year term. It is a new expense, however, that we must account for in our monthly planning, and may take resources away from other activities.
2020 CFA Goal | Finish the Church |
Goal: $572,000.00 | Current Balance (5/31/20): $1,119,290.08 |
Pledged (6/25/20): $363,365.07 | June 1, 2020 Payment: $12,733.34 |
% of Goal: 64% | July 1, 2020 Payment: $13,000.00 |
We will continue to provide these details persistently so our Parish Family can see our progress on these responsibilities with clear visibility and accountability.
Thank you all for continuing to support our Parish Family and our Church during this difficult time.