Rumor Mill: Church Construction

It has come to our attention that there have been some miscommunications when it comes to the repair work within our church building.  The clergy and staff of Saint John have been careful to not state any schedule or timeline information for this work due to the significant variables in the construction effort.  While we have been working with our Construction Manager, Gates Construction, our Architect, Studios+, and the Diocese of Venice on all the various components of the church, the volume and complexity of the project does not allow for us to have a firm schedule.  From leaking plumbing to faulty wiring, there are issues that will always arise when you open up a nearly 30-year-old building.  Additionally, we have unique attributes of the church, like the new pews and organ, as well as marble from Italy, that have their own timelines for completion that will impact the schedule.  There is much left to do to complete and enliven our worship space.

All of that said, it is clear that we will not be back into the church for Easter.  We will be working as hard as possible to open the church building as quickly as we can, but we want it done right, without cutting corners or hurrying up the work more than is appropriate.  We want this church to last for years to come, and while we are disappointed, we do not want any rumor of a schedule that is unobtainable to be perpetuated throughout the Parish Family.  When it opens, the church will be spectacular and truly a warm and inviting place of worship and community.  Thank you all again for your patience, understanding, and flexibility.

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