This Monday, May 27, we celebrate Memorial Day, a day when we remember those brave men and women who answered the call and made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.
National cemeteries not only across America but in foreign lands where Americans fought to protect our liberties and those of the oppressed, are filled with the white tombstones of the fallen.
On May 5, 1868, General John Logan, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, proclaimed the observance of Memorial Day on May 30, 1868, to honor the dead of both Union and Confederate Armies who died during the Civil War.
One need not go too far to honor our deceased heroes and veterans, as just steps away in front of St. John, is a beautiful statue of Christ embracing a fallen warrior home to His kingdom surrounded by marked pavers and the flag they stood for.
Dedicated on Veterans Day last year by Fr. John, this “Lest We Forget” memorial will stand forever to those who proudly and unselfishly answered the call.
This Memorial Day, make a pledge to remember those who sacrificed their lives so that we may remain free in the greatest country on earth. The National Moment of Remembrance will be observed at 3:00 p.m.
God Bless America.