Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Prayer is to our soul what rain is to the soil. Fertilize the soil ever so richly, it will remain barren unless fed by frequent rains. – St. John Vianney

For the past two weeks, we have had fits and starts when it comes to the renovation of the front parking lot and the new Life Center.  The weather here in Southwest Florida has been exceptionally wet.  Normally, we would be able to get at least ½ a day of work in day until the thunderstorms forced our Construction Manager, Gates Construction, to end their efforts.  However, it has been almost non-stop, all day, soaking rains that have drenched our campus and made work like electrical and plumbing extremely hazardous to complete.  

I want to thank all of you who have endured these renovations this summer.  I know it has been difficult with the front lot in particular, but the silver lining on all these clouds we have had is that we will have an even better parking experience on our campus very soon.  Now, if those clouds could just move away for a few weeks…

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher, at 239-566-8740 or email: [email protected].

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