Pope Francis Seeks Input from the Faithful.

Dear Parishioners of St. John the Evangelist Parish,

The Synod of Bishops will be convening a meeting in the Fall of 2014 to discuss the pastoral challenges to the family in the context of the new evangelization. Pope Francis has called on the bishops of the Church to listen to the faithful in regard to the challenges they face when living out their faith in today’s society. St. John the Evangelist Parish will be holding a listening session on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 at 5.30 p.m. to facilitate the Holy Father’s request. During this meeting, people will have time to offer comments and considerations on the questions outlined on pages 5 – 7. These questions have been sent to the conferences of bishops across the globe. It may be helpful for some to visit our parish website at: www.saintjohtheevangelist.com to view background information on the questions that are being asked.

During the listening session, notes will be taken and a summary of the meeting will be sent to the diocese. Once all of the parishes of the Diocese of Venice submit their summaries, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will then submit these findings to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, who in turn will then submit their data to the Vatican during the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops.

I would like to encourage you as members of the Body of Christ to participate in this pastoral endeavor in which the pastoral dimensions of the local Church may shed light on some of the pastoral challenges facing the Church universal. It is my hope that people of various ages will come to this important meeting.

Let us prayerfully reflect upon and consider the questions. I look forward to seeing you at this important event.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. John J. Ludden

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