Please Meet Our New Director of Family Missions and Communications


In July, Pope Francis spoke about the need for “the Holy Spirit to Renew Our Lives” through the parable: “New Wine in New Wineskins” (Matthew 9:17).

“In the Christian life, even in the life of the Church, there are old structures, passing structures: it is necessary to renew them! And the Church has always been attentive to this, with dialogue with cultures . . . It always allows itself to be renewed according to places, times, and persons.”

We have a unique opportunity as a parish to develop and enhance our Church’s engagement with the Youth and Family programs in the new Evangelization. This “full-lifecycle” strengthening of the services, programs, and efforts will be called Family Mission. Further details on this exciting endeavor will be provided as part of its upcoming outreach and communications. As part of this new wineskin, I have asked Jean-Paul Boucher, the current lead of the Altar Service Ministry, to take a position as the new Director of Family Mission and Communications. JP will be keeping you abreast of upcoming events in the parish and share with you the great endeavors of the new Evangelization. Please join me in welcoming him to the Saint John family. He will be available at the office if you would like to discuss any questions or thoughts you might have about the Family Mission.

Jean-Paul (JP) Boucher grew up in a small suburban town in Southwestern Connecticut. While attending high school, he met and fell in love with his wife, Donna. Upon receiving an Air Force scholarship to Georgetown University, JP moved to Washington, DC. He graduated with a History degree, concentrating in Ancient Rome and the Middle East. He learned early on from his Jesuit mentors how essential the integration of spirituality, social action, and ministry are to truly live the Faith.


He embarked on a 20-year career in information technology. His focus on large, advanced technology solutions allowed him to become an industry-recognized expert in computing and communications for organizations like the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International Development, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He was asked to become an on-air commentator for Fox 5 and CNN International on mobile and advanced technologies.

JP and Donna have four beautiful children (Ben, Jack, Julia, and Stella) and feel blessed to have this opportunity to be involved in Saint John, which has given so much to their family. Donna is a Faith Formation teacher and their children, ranging from 12 to 3, are involved in church activities ranging from Bible Story Time to Altar Serving. JP would like to thank his wife for the tremendous and unwavering love, support, and encouragement she gives him on a daily basis.

If you are interested in supporting the Family Mission, please do not hesitate to contact JP at: [email protected].


Sincerely in Christ,


Father John J. Ludden



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