Parking Lot Renovations Improve Access and Support Growth

Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause. – Saint John Cantius

There is no doubt that Saint John the Evangelist is growing.  Our Parish registrations continue to increase and the requests for services, activities, and programs are year-round.  One part of our campus has not changed to meet these needs: our parking lots.  That is changing this summer, and we are looking forward to these improvements.  We will be restructuring the front parking lot starting in about a month from now.  The improvement of straight, full spots actually increases the total spots available in the front of the church by 40 spots, and include more handicapped accessible locations.  Additionally, our new exterior lighting system will be implemented in our front lot, transforming the dark, shadowy parking into a bright and safe place for your vehicle.

We have also completed a new agreement with Naples Park Elementary School, in which we will be expanding the service road between the school and our church, making a safe, two-way passage.  There will be a pedestrian walkway directly between the school parking lot and our own, and completely separate from the roadway.  This will provide a safe way to get between the parking areas without fear of being struck.  We will be encouraging people to park in the school’s parking spots rather than along the roadway, so they can take advantage of this protected walkway.

All of these improvements will assist with the growth of our Parish Family and help make your experience on our campus more delightful and enjoyable.  However, it may require us to utilize the school entrance during the weeks of construction.  We will post specific details on traffic pattern changes here in the bulletin, on our website, in our email communications, and even posting signs on the roads to make it as easy as possible to get on and off campus.  Thank you for your patience as we make this major changes to improve our joint space.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email:

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