You may have noticed some significant improvements to the outside (and inside) of our parish campus these past weeks. This is due to the incredibly hard work and dedication of the Saint John Buildings & Grounds Committee, our landscaping contractor, Molter Landscaping, Stahlman-England Irrigation, and over 35 volunteers who gave up their Saturday to beautify our facilities.
Preparations began several days before the event. 150 bales of pine straw and 280 bags of brown mulch were dropped off in strategic locations, easily accessible for the volunteers to spread on Saturday. Four loads of “fill” dirt and four pallets of Bahia sod were dropped in the two east side grass parking areas abutting the Naples Park Elementary School tennis courts and playing field. The fill would be spread in the numerous low spots in these areas and then edged with sod, backfilled with more soil and seeded.
On Saturday, November 15th, a lovely brisk morning, Parish Beautification Day began shortly after 7 am. Facilities Manager Rich Neville began the process of dropping piles of “fill” in various locations in the three grass parking areas. B&G members began arriving shortly after 8 am, setting up the Claussen Center Seminar Room to get ready of the day’s work. Volunteers began arriving at 8:45 AM. They checked-in outside the Seminar Room, where they received their assignment for the day and enjoyed a continental breakfast prepared by the B&G crew.
Those assigned to the outside work, coordinated by B&G member Dave Quist, would work in one of four teams lead by B&G members Mark Nagan, Bill Sjostrom, Joe Lichwalla and Marty Gauthier. They were given their instructions and left with their Team leader. Those remaining in the Seminar Room would do the inside work, which entailed cleaning the rooms in the Claussen Center. B&G member and General Manager, JP Boucher coordinated this work. These individuals would also work in teams, deep-cleaning the Seminar Room, adjacent corridors, all classrooms and the Youth Room.
The four exterior teams spread the pine straw and mulch across the campus. As each team completed their area, they moved to the front of the Church, the largest area, and helped that team complete the mulching. By the time all the mulching was completed, most of the spreading, leveling and raking of the fill had taken place and everyone helped to place the remaining sod into the parking lot spaces. By 11:45 am the exterior work was complete and all the volunteers enjoyed lunch together.
All in all, it was a very successful and productive day. Not only did parishioners have an opportunity to meet and get to know other parishioners; they also got to know more about the work of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Their “sweat” saved the Parish some $5,000, which otherwise would have had to be spent on the use of outside vendors’ labor.
The B&G Committee wish to thank all the following volunteers who made the day a great success:
- Ben Weber
- Theresa Weber
- Tricia Schwarz
- Emily Schwarz
- Allison Schwarz
- Pat Zewalk
- Dominic Del Debbio
- Kimberly Hoopes
- Giovanni Del Debbio
- William Hoopes
- Julie Kwiatowski
- Rachel Kwiatowski
- Todd Earnhart
- Michelle Earnhart
- Luke Earnhart
- Caroline Earnhart
- Eric Bennett
- Debra Schulze
- Katrina Bennett
- Blake Bennett
- Lhara Echeverria
- Michelle De Sousa
- Jose De Sousa
- Quintino De Sousa
- Vince DeLaurentis
- Elaine DeLaurentis
- Patricia Quesenberry
- Julia Perrotta
- Lillian Maccerella
- John Roberts
- Mary Ellen Roberts
- Beth Lucci
- Dan Conley
- Lena Costain
- Troy Costain
If anyone was inadvertently overlooked, please contact the Church office and give Debbie your name.
Article written by Dave Quist