We just want to take a moment to thank those members of our Parish Family that have heeded Father Tom’s call to continue considering Saint John as part of your giving during this time of crisis. We are all fulfilling the Mission of Saint John: To Know, To Love, and To Serve God, in His Church and Our Community, together, even while we are dispersed and virtual.

We have seen an increase in our online giving during this time. No matter how you give, your gifts are always appreciated! If you have not yet made the switch to online giving, we invite you to consider doing so. Online giving offers our parish a stable, sustainable income. It is a simple way to give via credit and debit cards or via automatic withdrawals from checking and savings accounts. You can set up your online giving here.
Our office staff is ready to assist you in setting up your giving if you would like to call the office. We know that you share in our mission and we are blessed to give our Parish Family many ways to participate in our sustained efforts.
Thank you again for your support!