New Prayer List Procedure: Consent

I am sure there is going to be some shock in our church this weekend.  You will see on our Prayer List Page, that we have been required to reduce our Prayer List substantially.  This is due to a new church policy that specifically requires the consent of an individual in order to have their name added to the Prayer List.  Friends and loved ones that know someone needs the prayers of our Parish Family are encouraged to have that person contact our office and we will get their name on the list as soon as possible.

This step has been taken to preserve and protect the privacy of our Parish Family members.  There have been two unfortunate incidents in the past month where someone has opened the bulletin and been surprised to find their own name on the Prayer List.  They have quite rightly questioned how and why their names were placed on the List.  We all have the best of intentions to assist those we love and want to give them all the help we possibly can, but we also need to respect their privacy.  Our Parish prays for all us on a daily basis after the Daily Mass, with our Prayer Groups specifically placing an intention for all our Parish Family members, especially those in difficult situations.

For anyone that wishes to have their names added to our Prayer List, we want to assist you immediately with our prayers, so please contact the office and fill out the consent form.

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