Mission Backpack Update: A Few Spots Still Available for Those Willing to Serve

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Mission Backpack

The Immersion programs of the Diocese of Venice offer the youth of our diocese exposure trips and volunteer opportunities as a way of introducing them to mission, cross-cultural engagement and to the realities of life in St. Lucia. The youth of our diocese will join priests and youth leaders from our diocese for what is sure to be a formative and transformative experience as they shadow established missionaries who work with the poorest of the poor and interact with the St. Lucian people. The experiences will allow our youth to come to a deeper understanding of the Gospel message.

Students currently enrolled in High School may apply to travel with the “Mission Possible” team to St. Lucia this summer. Please contact Elma McCaughey in the Mission Office at 941-625-4754. Currently, the deadline for the 2011 Mission Trip will be May 25th, 2011. Chaperone opportunities are available as well.

Packing! Packing ! Packing!

Mission Backpack packing bagsWe are busy packing the backpacks and preparing them to send to the children in the Caribbean. We have reached our goal and will be able to fill 1000 backpacks for children in the Caribbean! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this possible! In addition to the 1000 backpacks that we will send to the children in June, we hope to fill at least 50 backpacks for the teachers in the Caribbean. These backpacks will be tagged an prepared just for them.
Please be generous and consider sending in supplies for these teachers. For those of you wishing to make a monetary donation, your checks may be made payable to St. John the Evangelist, with Mission Backpack in the memo line. Thank you and God bless you!
— “With Christ as our core, we humbly serve others.”
Mission Backpack Motto

child with backpack

Mission Backpack Loading backpacks for shipping











From the Naples Daily News

Pencils, crayons, markers and notebooks are basic necessities found in the backpacks of students everywhere… READ MORE

Mission Backpack shipping backpacks

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