Dear Parishioners,
In August, in Scott’s Corner, Scott Schlossberg, our General Manager, provided us with a detailed explanation of the mechanics of the Catholic Faith Appeal. You may not have seen this bulletin. The Saint John the Evangelist Finance Council want you to know that we strongly support the Annual Catholic Faith Appeal. These funds are used to provide services to the less fortunate in our diocese.
At this time, we are soliciting your help, so that we can meet our 2012 assessment/goal of $443,000.00. Right now, we are short of our goal, we still need $34,326 by the end of 2012. Why is that important to our parish? If we fall short of our goal, which we did in 2011, we will have to use our general operating funds to pay for the shortfall.
And you should know that our parish budget for fiscal year 2012/2013 was based on the parish meeting our CFA goal. If we fall short, this will be a “budget buster” for the parish and our ministries. Conversely, if we exceed our $443,000.00 goal by the end of 2012, any excess will be returned to the parish free of diocese assessment. We can then use these excess funds for whatever programs or ministries we choose. For example, we could use these funds to create reserves to replace the aging Parish Life Center air conditioning units and/or purchase materials for Faith Formation, Music Ministry, etc. This would be a huge windfall for our parish. We all benefit from our beautiful campus and our “over the top” ministries here at St. John.
We are confident that with your help, we can achieve our goal. Please consider making a pledge or contribution to the 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal. Remember to make your check payable to the CFA with St John the Evangelist in the memo line.
God Bless You and Yours,
Saint John the Evangelist Finance Council