If You See Something, Say Something

JohnOne of John Levering’s favorite sayings is “if you see something, say something”.  You might recall that our Facilities Manager used to be a Cobra Gunship Maintenance Supervisor.  As a church of 3,000 families, with over 13,000 individuals, we have a duty and responsibility to look out for each other and our campus together.

We are all part of the St. John Parish Family, and we all need to work together on every facet of our parish life by taking an active role in our church.  We will be talking more about some of the opportunities we have coming up for all of us to contribute, like Helping Hands and the Gaelic and Garlic Festival, but at this point, we want to help everyone feel ownership in our church.  If you see an issue on campus, from a broken parking lot mirror to an unhinged door to a light that is burned out, please contact John and let him know.  You will be helping us identify issues and prioritize repairs and maintenance work for all of us.  We have only a few facilities staff members, so we will try our best to get these issues resolved in a timely manner.  Together, we can continue the St. John tradition of enlivening our faith through our community.

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