Hurricane Preparations for our Construction Efforts

Fear is the enemy of love – St. Augustine

As of this writing on Wednesday, we have not officially been placed on a Hurricane Watch from the National Weather Service.  However, it is expected that the Naples area will have a significant impact from Hurricane Irma this weekend.  Our campus is in a significant flood zone, which will make for an interesting and stressful weekend for all our Parish Family.  The progress on all our construction efforts has been halted, and instead, the work has been going into the cleanup and preparations for the wind, rain, and surge that will come from this storm.  Gates Construction has provided their Hurricane Duties, and have already begun to secure all construction items and materials.  While they were able to get our new curbs installed, we will be waiting on all final steps for our new front lot until the storm damage is assessed.

Please pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Irma, and God willing, we will be back to full speed on our projects starting up next week again.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher, at 239-566-8740 or email: [email protected].

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