As part of an on-going effort to communicate the renewed focus and efforts of our Parish Mission, I wanted to start a new series in our bulletin, Getting #ToKnow Our Staff. Each week, we will spotlight a staff member here at Saint John, including some of their responsibilities and background. That way, if you have a question, or need some assistance, you can put a name and face to those that will be helping you.
Bookkeeper Julie Kwiatkowski
Julie Kwiatkowski is the new Saint John Bookkeeper, a role that (along with just about everything else) Scott had been performing for our parish. We are very lucky to have found Julie, given her CPA-background and years of financial management experience. Julie is no stranger to Saint John. She has supported the parish as a volunteer and even created the beautiful mosaic in our prayer garden. We are excited to begin this new chapter in our church’s financial management.
Being new to this position I’m still working on learning names, but I would love for you to stop and introduce yourself. Always feel free to let me know how I may better serve you and better serve the community that is St. John the Evangelist Church.
Some of Julie’s responsibilities include: the daily management of the bank accounts and funds of the parish, evaluating current income and spending trends, working with parishioners on Memorial Garden and Veterans Memorial purchases, and setting up new processes for our efforts at the church so we can be efficient and transparent in all financial matters. You will continue to see the charts of our offertory and other income in our bulletins and that is all the work of Julie.
A little background … Married to my best friend Michael for 24 plus years. We have two incredible daughters, Rebecca and Rachel, who have always been the lights of our lives. I’m still basking in the glow of Rebecca’s wedding that was just last month. She and her new husband Anthony are very excited about their upcoming move to Hawaii, where Anthony has been stationed with the Navy. (I’ll admit, I am NOT excited about this.) My younger daughter Rachel is a sophomore at St. John Neumann High School. Her biggest news of late and her great excitement is over the acquisition of a driving learner’s permit. (And again, I’m NOT AT ALL excited about this.)
As for myself … I love to cook, eat, scuba dive, play tennis, ski, and eat some more. I get easily lost in a good book, poetry, and the colors in a painting. I have a passion for art and coloring outside the lines, but with bookkeeping and accounting everything must be orderly and in balance!
I’m blessed to work with a great team at St. Johns. Each day is brought to mind the reality that it takes every individual to be the Lord’s arms and hands, every individual to do His work in the world. It is truly a joy to witness on a daily basis the “behind the scenes” workings … where the employees and volunteers join talents and work hard to make the functioning of the church appear seemless and effortless.
Already, we have seen tremendous focus on our financial programs and procedures, which will make it easier for Saint John to perform its missionary work both here on campus and throughout our community. I am so glad to have Julie on our team!