Getting #ToKnow Our Parish Staff: New Bookkeeper Karen Beebe

It is never easy to loose a valued staff member.  I want to personally thank Julie Kwiatkowski for assisting all of us with creating, planning, and restructuring our financial environment here at Saint John.  There is no way we would be in as good a position we are in now, including with our Capital Campaign, without her extremely diligent, hard work and even more importantly, engaging personality and detail focus.  We will all miss her tremendously and she and her family will be in our prayers. The following is Julie’s message to the Parish:

To the dear employees, volunteers and parishioners of St. John’s;

Due to the recent health issues surrounding my parents and my need to have extended periods of out of town travel, I need to step back from full time responsibilities at the church.   A very capable individual has been hired to take on the position of Bookkeeper, and I will be available to ensure a smooth transition, training, and any needs of the church. Please know that you, the position and the church will continue to have my continual support through the transition and always.

Julie Kwiatkowski

IMG_2852We have been blessed, however, in the ability to find and hire a new Bookkeeper, Karen Beebe, who will be transitioning the duties through the month of June.  Please join me in welcoming Karen to our Parish Staff Family. Karen and her family have been members of Saint John for many years and I know she will be an excellent steward of our parish resources and assist all of us in fulfilling the mission of Saint John, To Know, To Love, and to Serve God.

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