Getting #ToKnow Our Parish Staff: Artistic Director Jennine Fuentes

As part of an on-going effort to communicate the renewed focus and efforts of our Parish Mission, I wanted to continue a new series in our bulletin, Getting #ToKnow Our Staff.  We will spotlight a staff member here at St. John, including some of their responsibilities and background.  That way, if you have a question, or need some assistance, you can put a name and face to those that will be helping you.

jennineWe have been blessed with some of the most beautiful voices in our church.  Good music can enhance the liturgy; amazing music can create a deep and emotional connection to the sacramental moment of encounter.  Artistic endeavors delve even deeper into our faith and our fellowship, allowing us to enjoy paintings and theater, music and sculpture together as a community, both in the creation of that art and the appreciation of it.  One of those voices in our church has taken on the exciting future planning of our artistic programs for youth and adults alike, Jennine Fuentes.  You will all probably recognize her from her time on the altar, as one of our Cantors.

I’m extremely excited to announce that I’ve accepted the position of Artistic Director here at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church. I have been involved and cantoring here for the past six years, and I can honestly say that this parish has become my home. The amount of love, support, and faith within this community has challenged me to grow in ways that I could have never imagined. As Artistic Director, I will have the opportunity to combine skills that I have acquired over the years to create music, art, acting, and dance programs (group and private lessons will be offered for children and adults), a concert series for both the youth and adults, community theatre, and outreach, as well as continuing to cantor and worship with you all every week. I’m just thrilled and so incredibly blessed to have a more active role in this wonderful parish and look forward to working with everyone in this community. Many blessings to you all!

Jennine will oversee the development of our new Music Department, incorporating both the instructional (choirs, individual and group lessons) and the appreciation (concert series, musical and theatrical events, open mic nights, etc.) for our Parish Family and the local community.  Additionally, she will be responsible for all our fine arts programs, ranging from painting classes to theatrical programs.  There are so many opportunities to assist people who have thought about learning an instrument or singing that think they are “too old” or don’t have the money to do so.  She will help make St. John a focal point of arts and music for Southwest Florida, where we can assist in making music approachable and economical for all ages and all walks of life.

“Psalm 40:3 ‘And he has put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it… and shall trust in the Lord.’ God has given me an amazing path to help create opportunities and spread His good news through the arts to all those in and outside our parish community. He has put a new song in my mouth and in my heart and my hope is that many will see it and will trust in Him with joy as the psalm says.

Please join me in welcoming Jennine into our Parish Staff! 

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