Front Parking Lot Redesign Adds 40 Spots

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.– Billy Sunday

The confusing entrances, parking layout, and exits for our campus continue to cause issues for both our Parish Family and our visitors on a daily basis.  We have attempted small measures, like the recent fire lane signage and newly painted lines and parking stops, to assist with this problem, but the reality is our parking is neither efficient nor sufficient for our needs.  One of the key components of our Capital Campaign these past two years (this is the 107th weekend of straight Campaign communications here and on our website) is a complete redesign of the front parking lot, along with renovations of the rest of the lots.  Only with your continued assistance and support can we ensure these renovations will be a reality.

The newly designed front lot will increase the available spots by over 40, including more handicap locations and easier flow, with two-way traffic perpendicular to the church and 111th Avenue North, our main road.  In addition, we will be widening the access road between ourselves and Naples Park Elementary, creating a true 2-way traffic pattern.  A safe pedestrian walkway is being planned between the tennis courts and the baseball field, which will create straight access from the school parking lot directly to our church, so you will not need to walk on the access road if and when you park at the school.

Did you know we have an entire back lot that you could park at, if you find the front areas full?  We will be providing campus transportation for those needing assistance to travel up to the church from the Life Center lot.  Renovation plans also include new lighting for all the lots, and surveillance cameras to ensure safety.  We still need the gifts of our Parish Family in order to accomplish all these renovations, however.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

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