Free Childcare Available in Nursery During Weekend Masses.

The St. John nursery is open for children up to age 5 for all Masses except the 7:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. The nursery is open 30 minutes before and after each of these Masses.

“This extra time will allow parents to have time to pray before or after Mass in the Adoration Chapel or in the church or to simply enjoy some quiet time while their child is being cared for in the nursery,” said Martha Oram, nursery director.

The nursery is staffed by diocesan approved parishioners age 18 and older. “They have been finger-printed and background checked,” said Martha.

The nursery, which is free for parishioners, is located in rooms 5 and 6 in the Parish Life Center.

Martha is currently looking for additional childcare providers. Providers must be at least 18 years old and will have to be finger-printed and undergo a background check. This is a paid position.

Anyone interested in more information on the nursery or who wants to apply for the childcare position may contact Martha at her email address:

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