Dear Friends,
The Blessings of the Risen Lord be with you and those you love this Easter! We celebrate this year’s observance of the resurrection in the Year of Faith in which the Former Pope, Benedict XVI, has called us to contemplate the significance of Jesus’ teaching in our individual experience. The election of our new Pope, Francis I, is a reminder that the experience of the Risen Jesus moves on, calling each one of us into greater relationship with us. Easter reminds each one of us that death has no victory over us. No matter how painful the experience of death is when we lose a loved one, we are reminded that it is not the end. The empty tomb represents endless possibilities as we recall the many eye witness accounts that Jesus of Nazareth is truly alive, truly risen. With this knowledge the grave, in which we stand and recall to sacred memory those who have touched our lives, becomes a place in which hope shines forth!
Even though this winter/spring season has been short, many have managed to live out their faith with great energy and generosity. The parish buildings are used morning, noon and night for all the various ministry, social and support groups. A testament to the commitment of all of you who have said “yes” to Christ and “yes” to ministry within the Church. The Men’s Club, The Ladies of Charity, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Knights of Columbus, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Choir, Arts & Liturgical Environments Committee, Sewing Groups, Prayer Groups, Respect Life, Finance Committee, various Commissions, Buildings & Grounds, Altar Servers, Ushers, Altar & Sacristan Guild, have collaborated beautifully together in allowing the ministry of St. John to prosper. I offer my thanks for everything that has accomplished! I also extend my gratitude for the paid staff and the many unpaid volunteers who spend countless hours making sure that people’s questions and concerns can be addressed.
During this past year, you have all shown your great commitment to the parish by coming to the various social and pastoral events. You have been extremely generous in contributing financially which has helped us to increase ministerial opportunities, social outreach, and help maintain the buildings of grounds of our wonderful parish. Thank you for your generosity!
As we continue to journey through the Easter Season, I will pray for God’s continued blessings in your lives and the lives of your families. I pray that the mystery and hope of the resurrection will bring peace and comfort for you all now and always.
The Peace of the Risen Christ be with you always!
I remain, yours in Christ,
Fr. John J. Ludden