Progress for Our Parish Family Responsibilities
One component of this environment that has been significantly impacted during this challenging time is the giving of our Parish Family. Recently, we have had weeks where our collections are nearly 40% lower than the year before. There are many reasons for this reduction, and we have responded by lowering our expenses as a parish dramatically so we can stay “in the black”. However, we would ask, especially now during Advent, a season of giving, that you prayerfully consider supporting our Parish Family.
Offertory | 2020 CFA Goal | Finish the Church |
Week of 11/29/20: $39,061.68 | Goal: $572,000.00 | Current Loan Balance (11/1/20): $973,513.59 |
A Year Ago: $60,691.65 | Pledged (12/10/20): $527,839.31 | November 1, 2020, Payment: $18,000 |
Difference: -36% | % of Goal: 92% | Additional November Contributions: $73,000.00 |
% of Families Participating: 17% | Current Assumed Balance (11/27/20): $882,513.59 |
If you happen to be watching virtually, or would like to make a gift via a credit card once you decide, please visit our online giving site: https://stjohntheevangelist.weshareonline.org/SundayOffertory
Giving online is a great way to serve our Parish Family, even when you are not able to attend in person, or if you are one of our friends that do not normally come to Naples. If you have any questions on how to set up persistent online giving, please contact our Front Office during our Business Hours and we can assist you.
God Bless You and All You Love. Please stay safe and healthy!