Let’s Finish the Church for Easter Together!
Can you believe that it has been less than 2 years since we began our effort to Finish the Church, to complete our loan to the Diocese for the complete restoration and renovation of our Church? In that short time, we have raised just about $2 million! We have a challenge for our Parish Family, can we Finish the Church, raising the $300,000 left, by Easter? We believe we can, with your help. Many of you have already given in some way. Perhaps you would be able to focus your weekly or monthly generosity to our Parish Family to Finish the Church for Lent as part of your Lenten Sacrifice (Almsgiving). There are several easy ways to contribute to Finish the Church:
- Use the monthly Finish the Church envelopes that are provided in your mailing for your giving.
- Write your checks to Saint John the Evangelist and place “Finish the Church” in the Memo Line to mail or bring to the church.
- Use our Online Giving System: https://stjohntheevangelist.weshareonline.org/FinishOurChurch If you already have online giving established for your Offertory (normal) giving, you can modify it by logging in and changing the Collection it is set for by Choosing “Finish Our Church”. If you have any questions about this option, please contact our Business Manager, JP Boucher, at [email protected]
God Bless You and All You Love!
Offertory | 2021 CFA Goal | Finish the Church |
Week of 1/31/21: $43,938.11 | Goal: $572,000.00 | Current Loan Balance (1/31/21): $337,604.39 |
A Year Ago: $- | Pledged (2/4/21): $21,647.00 | February 2021 Payments: $34,828.67 |
Difference: -% | % of Goal: 4% | Current Assumed Balance (2/4/21): $302,775.72 |
% of Families Participating: 2% |