Financial Dashboard for 2/9/202

Each week, we are refining these details to assist in illustrating our financial environment here at Saint John the Evangelist.  In response to many of your questions, this week, we want to provide a new persistent graph that illustrates our Total Weekly Offertory. 

This new Weekly Snapshot will showcase the total Offertory collected on a weekly basis.  This includes not just the wonderful gifts of the Parish Family collected in the basket, but also our online donations and separate Offertory gifts from families that may be giving outside the normal Mass time.  As you can see this week, we not only surpassed our budgeted amount planned for our Offertory, but we also increased it over last year’s giving.  During our budget development time frame last year, we were not convinced that the church would be complete, so we were very conservative in our income assessment.  We are all very blessed that not only has our church building been returned to us in such a transformative state, that our Parish Family has continued to grace us with our generosity, without any dip due to our Finish the Church Campaign.  God Bless You All!

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