Envelopes Are More than Money

NewEnvelopeSaint John has updated our envelopes as we are upgrading our Church Management Software. There will be many more improvements to come, but the new envelopes give me an opportunity to bring up a topic that Scott has mentioned several times in the past. Saint John is overjoyed that you have made the choice to attend our Masses. We would love you to become registered members of our parish. There are many benefits to registering, and receiving these new envelopes is one of them. We are not asking for you to fill them with money. When you deposit the envelopes in the collection at Mass, you are illustrating your commitment to our parish and our Catholic community. It does not matter if they are empty or if they are stuffed. I hope you will take the time to register with our parish (now it is available online at: https://connectnow.parishsoft.com/venice/Register.aspx and selecting “St. John the Evangelist Parish, Naples” from the “Organization” drop-down list).


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