End of Year Giving Opportunities

finance-2Over this past year, we have been blessed to receive wonderful gifts from our Parish Family.  These gifts enable us to serve both our church and our community in countless ways.  If you still would like to provide additional stewardship for Saint John, in your time, talent, and treasure, I would like to provide you with a few options that will not only be tax deductible, but in some cases, supports our efforts without assessment from the Diocese:

  • Capital Campaign: While we have reached our Core Goal and will be breaking ground in March of 2017, we have not yet reached our other goals, which will allow us to renovate all the rest of our facilities, as well as provide future assurance for our Parish Family with endowments and programs. Giving to the campaign is placed in a separate bank account, and will not be assessed by the Diocese.  If you have not yet provided a pledge, I urge you to do so.  If you have pledged, please consider accelerating your payments, since that will enable us to move forward quickly.  Please contact Joe, our Campaign Coordinator at: 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected] if you have any questions.
  • Catholic Faith Appeal: Last weekend, I provided an introductory message about the Catholic Faith Appeal, a Diocesan fundraising program which engages every parish to give to the Diocese to support Catholic Charities, the Seminarians, and many more programs. If you would like to make a donation that will make an impact in the region, I recommend giving to the CFA.  You will be hearing from several people this weekend on the importance of the CFA and its support for our Parish Family.  Please visit the Diocese website: https://secure.pledgeconnect.com/donation.aspx?catholicgiving to make a donation or call our office and we can assist you.
  • Christmas Gift for Our Parish Family: We have an easy way for you to give specifically to Saint John the Evangelist during this Christmas Season.  Please go to: https://stjohntheevangelist.weshareonline.org/Christmas and you can set up a one-time donation, or establish annual giving for the holidays.

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