We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it. – Pope Francis, LAUDATO SI’
Immediately after our Ground-Breaking Ceremony on March 18, our Construction Manager, Gates Construction, has gotten right to work on the Pulte Family Life Center. However, before we can get the heavy equipment onto campus and start digging, we must ensure we preserve the natural environment in which we are building. Pope Francis has made it clear that it is our responsibility as Catholics that we are to protect and cherish the natural world just as much as we defend human life in all stages. If you have not had a chance to read Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment, both natural and man-made, I highly recommend it.
Some of you may have seen some transient residents on our campus before. We have several Gopher Tortoises that live both the natural preserve behind the Ballroom, as well as our fields that are the location of the Life Center. These tortoises have been designated as a “Threated” and are considered a keystone species as their burrows are used by at least 360 other types of animals as homes once the tortoise leaves their home. The first step in our construction is to deploy fencing that will stop any further access to our site. Next, we have experts that will come to our campus and safely remove the tortoises that are still on our site and place them in a distant preserve. That way, they can continue to live out their extremely long lifespans, which have been reported to be over 70 years. Please join me in wishing these creatures long life in their new location.
As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].