Church Repair and Renewal

We have begun the transformation of our church building here at Saint John the Evangelist.  Friday was move-out day from the building itself, and setup for services to continue uninterrupted within our newly repaired Ballroom.  Our Parish Family owes our Liturgical Ministries a huge debt of gratitude for all their hard work and collaboration that transformed our Parish Activity Center into an enlivening and faith-filled space.  From the complete relocation of the Sacristy, including vestments and everything needed for Mass, to moving the liturgical furniture and missals, the volunteers (you know who you are) gave their all to ensure Saturday would go off without a hitch.  Our Arts and Liturgical ministry beautified the Ballroom and “Narthex” (entrance-way into the Ballroom).  The Ushers and Greeters helped people find their way into the new church space and found seats for all.  The Music Ministry set ambient music even before Mass began this weekend, and the Eucharistic Ministers ensured every seat was served with the Blessed Sacrament.  Our Liturgical Ministries should be lauded for the tremendous effort they have expended for us and their commitment to ensuring our Masses will continue in the Ballroom for as long as we need them to.  Signage points everyone towards the Ballroom and ensures our Parish Family and friends know we are open.  We Are Saint John!


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