CFA Status Update: Closing in on Goal

Our Parish Family has certainly responded to our call to support the Catholic Faith Appeal.  From over $47,000 gathered during our “Last Hurrah” weekend, to the constant gifts that have continued to flow into our parish and directly to the Diocese, we have closed the gap to just $$23,013.72, which includes over $84,000 in additional donations provided to the parish that are not reflected yet in the Diocesan report.  Thank you all who have given so generously.  We have this final weekend to provide our support to the CFA, and once that is complete, we will be able to determine just what the shortfall is, and how we can best pay it so that we cause minimal impact to our operations and Parish Family.

Of course, we are not done with the CFA, as we will be receiving our 2017 CFA Goal number from the Diocese shortly, and kicking into gear with a new focus for the CFA here at Saint John that will ensure we are properly engaged with the Diocese for the proper amount our Parish Family should provide for these needed services.

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