Celebrating the Life of Our Treasured Lee

It is heart-wrenching for me to have to tell you that we have lost one of the true treasures of our Parish Family, Loretta Youlio.  Most of us knew her simply as “Miss Lee”, our Nursery Room Assistant, Hospitality and Greeter, and fixture of Saint John for well over 20 years.  She was the embodiment of everything good about Saint John and the Catholic Faith.  Miss Lee smiled, took your hand, and cared for you, no matter if you were 2 years old or 102.  She laughed at every joke, no matter how bad it was.  She protected our children in the Nursery all weekend long.  She was always ready to speak her mind and make sure you knew how much she loved you.  Anyone she touched in her life is better off because of her.

Lee’s funeral was held on Friday, August 18, at 10 AM.  A reception in the Ballroom followed the interment in our Memorial Garden.

We will miss you, Lee.  You were already an angel here, so now you get to make God laugh when you take his hand and walk with Him in Heaven.

Please find Lee’s Obituary on her Legacy.com page here.

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