UPDATE: Winner will be Drawn on our Live Stream Here on Saturday, April 11, at 10 AM

Lord God, be well disposed to our prayers, and bless + this vehicle with your holy hand. Appoint your holy angels as an escort over it, who will always shield its passengers and keep them safe from accidents… – Roman Ritual for Blessing of Things Designated for Ordinary Use / Automobile or Other Vehicle

We are tremendously blessed to have a partnership with Audi Naples for our brand-new car raffle, which has just kicked off! They have provided a beautiful, white 2020 Audi Q3 SUV with all the trimmings. You will be able to see the vehicle outside of the church and at all our activities this coming year as we drive towards our goal of 10,000 raffle tickets sold. Each ticket is only $20, or $100 for a pack of 6 tickets. Come to the front office or visit the tables near the car when we are selling raffle tickets at our events.
A special thanks to Audi Naples for supporting this raffle!
Please be aware that the winner will be responsible for the fair market value taxes, registration, title, and other costs associated with the vehicle.
Finish the Church Goal: $1.8 Million
Gifts from 12/8/19: $36,530.00
Total Gifts as of 12/8/19: $552,613.88
Percentage of Goal Achieved Already: 30.7%