Ballroom Repairs and Renovation Begin

Patience is adjusting to God’s time. – Mother Angelica

Someone once told me that God only gives you challenges that He knows you can handle.  Well, this Lenten Season we have been given some significant gifts from God.  All the additional renewal projects we had originally identified with our Build Our Future, Serve Our Past Capital Campaign have instead become repair and renovation projects due to the fury of Hurricane Irma.  From the church roof to the Ballroom to the Air Conditioning units of the Claussen Center, we have massively complex construction projects beginning all over our campus, all the while with the erection of the Pulte Family Life Center continuing. 

I appreciate everyone’s patience as we execute these projects.  There may be some “pardon our dust” situations as we install the new exterior lighting systems around the campus or while the new flooring and walls are installed in the Ballroom, but we will attempt to keep that effort out of the way of our Masses and services in every way possible.  We are working with all our might to get our “new normal” of the St. John campus completed as soon as possible.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family.  If you have any questions, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher, at 239-566-8740 or email: [email protected].

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