Access Road, Sidewalk, and New Parking Lot Construction Begins

Patience is adjusting your time to God’s time. – Mother Angelica

In our constant attempt to improve the safety and accessibility of Saint John for our Parish Family and the community, we have finalized the construction planning of new approaches to enter and leave our campus.  Did you know that our church actually began with Masses in the school next door, Naples Park Elementary School, while our church was being built?  We are blessed to have such a wonderful neighbor who provides their needed parking and access to our church.  Our Ministry efforts, led by the Ladies of Charity and Sewing Group, have directly impacted the lives of the children and families of the school with food, school supplies, and clothes for years.

This relationship will be strengthened even more in this next year due to the efforts to expand the access to and from both of our campuses.  This week, the expansion of the roadway between the school and church will begin: providing a safe, two-lane roadway for traffic.  Additionally, a brand-new sidewalk will be built between the parking lots, between the tennis courts and the baseball field.  This sidewalk will make it easier for our Parish Family to park in the school lot and walk directly to the church, rather than competing with the vehicle traffic on the road.  It will be so much safer for everyone.

The front lot construction we have described before will begin this week as well.  Our new front lot will not only be easier to use, but it will increase the total parking available by an additional 40 spots.  There will be periods over the next month where we will not be able to park in the very front of the church, but the side lots will continue to be accessible during this construction.  We appreciate everyone’s patience as we make these important changes to our campus.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

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