Thanks to Our Faith Formation Staff and Volunteers!
Even in these most challenging times, our Parish Family has come together to celebrate the First Communion of some very special children and their families. We want to thank all of those who made these socially distanced and safe moments possible, from our Faith Formation Department of Natalie Campbell and Luz Lozano and our Musicians Gary Prettyman and Regina Fahey, to our volunteers: our Catechists, our Liturgical Ministers, and our Sewing Group, which made over 200 masks to keep everyone healthy.
In order to accomplish this feat, our Faith Formation Program provided four separate options for the First Communion Families, with multiple days and times to allow for the comfort level of the families and the appropriate spacing and disinfecting to be accomplished. The first two options were provided for July 11, 2020, at 11 AM and 1 PM, with a second date option on September 12, 2020, also at 11 AM and 1 PM. Additionally, for family and friends that may not have been comfortable, an online stream of the Masses was provided.