New Musician and Liturgist: Gary Prettyman

Dear Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist,

Gary2I am truly excited to be joining you as your new Musician and Liturgist. I was deeply moved by your kind reception during my audition weekend and your participation in the divine liturgies. My wife, Terri, and I are thrilled to be joining this vibrant and prayerful parish and community!

I am privileged to have acquired a broad and diverse background in many fields of both sacred and secular music. I earned my Master’s degree in music at San Diego State University. Before the Lord called me into a full-time music ministry vocation, I had the privilege of performing in musicals, shows, concerts, ballets, and operas with various professional companies. I have conducted professional and semi-professional choirs and chamber orchestras. I am proud to be a Catholic and I love our sacred liturgies!

It was early in my twenties when I knew for certain that I wanted to serve the Lord and His people in the music ministry. I have been blessed to serve Southern California and Orlando parishes as a director of music ministries for many years. I love building choral programs and look forward to working with Mrs. Ellie Roberts in assisting with the continued success of the fine music department already in place. I believe music to be a divinely gifted universal language that holds no barriers to anyone. I am very passionate as to how beautiful sacred music can elevate the human spirit closer to the divine, drawing a person more deeply into the Word and our beautiful liturgies. I maintain an extensive knowledge of religious, classical, and secular music as well as an extensive knowledge and understanding of liturgy and worship.

I look forward to meeting and working with the wonderful clergy, Faith Formation, each of the ministries, and staff. I humbly request your prayers and patience as I learn how best to serve the parish community, and I look forward to serving you for many years.

Humbly yours in Christ, Gary Prettyman

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