Our New Church is the Heart and Soul of our Parish Family

It has been exactly one year since we had to close our beloved church due to the damage from Hurricane Irma. While we were able to serve our swelled Parish Family through the season of 2017 – 2018, we knew we had to move forward as quickly as possible to repair, restore, and rejuvenate the building.
It is now time to welcome our Parish Family and the entire community to experience the new Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church! We are proud and excited to open our doors in joy, gratitude, and peace. For some, it will be the first time they have ever walked into a Catholic Church. For others, they will see the spectacular renewal of our church that at once is all new and yet completely familiar. Let’s take a walk through some of the new aspects of our beautiful church:
Welcome to Saint John: New Narthex (Lobby)
Sacramentals Engage the Faith and the Heart
New Processional Cross is a duplicate of our new Altar Crucifix. New Shrines provide additional prayer opportunities with votive candles. Beautiful statues of Mary and Joseph flank the Tabernacle Another angle of our new statues.
The Beauty of our Sanctuary
The full grandeur of our Sanctuary. Marble follows the aisle up the back wall of the Sanctuary. Wood stain on pews and ceiling make it both open and intimate. New ceiling and lighting create a beautiful environment New seating for the choir! Back wall is as striking as the front of the church. Our New Altar
Seating For All
New Altar Server Bench. New Presider’s Chair matches the pews Confessionals include kneelers and chairs to allow for a comfortable Reconciliation. New Pews include integrated spots for wheelchairs.
Additional Beauty and Purpose
Marble inlays welcome all into our Sanctuary Altar houses first class relic of Saint Thomas the Apostle New Lecturn for the Cantor is now off the Altar, allowing for full view for the Parish Family. New permanent Baptismal Font integrated in the front of the church. Water will constantly flow and be filtered. Cameras for streaming the Mass online. Three cameras cover the entire Mass environment for those who are remote or homebound. Wireless connectivity for our microphones will ensure superior quality sound. New Ambo is made to proclaim the Word of God to the entire church. Confessionals now have doors for both the priests and the penitent. New lighting for our stained glass illuminate our joy for all to see in the area.
There is so much more to see and experience. We are blessed to welcome you to the new Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church!