“Superpapa” artist Mauro Pallotta strikes again. Just seen outside the #Vatican – #streetart pic.twitter.com/BtEkEjCRbp
— Alan Holdren (@AlanHoldren) October 19, 2016
Super Pope:

A picture shows a street art mural showing Pope Francis as a superman, flying through the air with his white papal cloak billowing out behind him and holding a bag bearing the word “Values”, by Italian street artist Maupal in downtown Rome near the Vatican on January 29, 2014. The image, created by Italian street artist Maupal, was tweeted yesterday by the Vatican communication twitter account ( @PCCS_VA ). Flying forward with his fist raised, the heroic pontiff — crucifix swinging in the wind — carries his trademark black bag, with the word “values” written across it in white. AFP PHOTO / TIZIANA FABI (Photo credit should read TIZIANA FABI/AFP/Getty Images)